Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blogs 1-4 Spring 2011

For the rebuttal project you will be responsible for posting 4 blogs by Thursday, February 24.  I will assign and clarify them periodically (I may even respond to them), but I will not grade them until the due date.  This means you will have more than enough time to edit and clarify your posts before the due date.

Blog # 1 - Post a 200 word claim on your topic.  Essentially, this is a rough draft version of your rebuttal paper.  You must include 2 sources in your post and it is highly suggested that one of those sources is the source you are intending to rebut.  In addition to your post, you must rebut at least 2 of your peers' posts.  Your rebuttal can include a concession if need be, but there must be a rebuttal.  Each response should be at least 50 words.

Blog # 2 - Post a summary and analysis of famous introductions and conclusions.  Think of the opening scene to a movie and how it is effective in introducing the story.  Think also of how the last scene of a movie brings things nicely to a close.  Or consider how songs begin and end.  You will choose at least one song or movie, summarize the introduction and then analyze why it is effective (50-100 words).  You will do the same for the conclusion of a song or movie (50-100 words).  You may use the same movie if you want or you may use different mediums altogether; the choice is yours.

Blog # 3 - Think about the essay we read for homework a few weeks back: "The Truth About College Professors." Hopefully you have been studying your professors well in relation to that essay. List the categories and then compare 2 of your professors in an essay of 150 words.

Blog # 4 - The First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech is a powerful right to have in this country.  Consider the essay we read "First Amendment Follies" by Stanley Fish and the examples he gives where people both effectively and ineffectively stand under the protection of the First Amendment. 
Choose a specific example from the last 20 years wherein someone used the First Amendment ineffectively or effectively.  Briefly summarize the event and argue whether or not they deserve the protection of the First Amendment.  Your entire post should be at least 250 words.  Also, be sure to respond to a peer's post with at least 100 words.

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