Monday, September 27, 2010

Wikified Research Papers and Bibliographies

The WRPs from Spring 2009 are listed on the right hand side of the blog page. We used a kind of quirky site - pbwiki, now pbworks - and not all of the student's wiki pages are accessible. After Spring 2009 we changed from pbwiki to wikispaces. Wikispaces has proved to be a much better site for us for a variety of reasons. The links for the various class sites are as follows: link to the WRPs from English 1301 Summer 2009, link to the WRPs from English 1301 Fall 2009, and link to the WRPs from English 1302 Fall 2009. All of the students projects and bibliographies for these project are listed on the left hand side of the class wikipage. Feel free to browse their work.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Christmas with the Bennetts

Create your own video slideshow at

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Extra Credit Fall 2010

Extra credit assignments consist of topics that I may have wanted to get to, but were oftentimes tangential to our class discussion. That or they would have taken too long to get into that they prohibited effective use of class time. Keep in mind that these are "extra" assignments. It is oftentimes easier to just simply do the assignment well the first time around. That said, you may do up to 10 extra credit assignments. For each video or article you will pose 3 thought-provoking questions and then answer 1 in an essay of at least 250 words. The essay may be written or typed. All extra credit essays are due on Thursday, December.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Bridgestone Screaming Squirrel Commercial

Cingular Beef Commercial


Budwiser Commercial

Hulu Commercial

Fed Ex Commerical

Geico Commercial

Kitten Mittons

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Patterns of Development Quiz # 1

Patterns of Development Quiz # 1

1. Label the articleYou May Have Too Much Debt But You Also Have Options,” with one of the 9 patterns of development. Give supporting evidence to justify your answer.

2. Write a 100 word comparison-contrast in using 2 of the strategies you will want to avoid from question # 1

3. Label the article “Oil Spill Puts Gulf Oyster Industry on Ice” with one of the 9 patterns of development. Give supporting evidence to justify your answer.

4. Write a 100 word argument about the gulf oil spill.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Liberty vs. Security

Research any of the following links regarding liberty and security. We will be writing a diagnostic essay on this topic tommorow in class. You will need to write about 300-500 words and reference at least 2 of the sources in your essay. Be sure to pull quotes to have at the ready to use for your essay. If you do not relate to these sources, please feel free to research and use your own.

"Parents Banned from Watching Kids in Playgrounds"
"Schools Ban Tag at Recess"
"Liberty vs. Security"
"E-terrorism: Liberty vs. Security"
"Free Range Kids"
"Governor Perry Shoots Coyote"
"California to Legalize Marijuana"
"Brazos ISD elementary Student Suspended over Jolly Rancher"
"California Considers Ban on Metal Baseball Bats"